
After 25 years as a designer in the corporate world, Julie Fortune decided she’d had enough of being her own boss and went to work for two cats called Wooster and Jeeves. They act as general managers at Felin Crewi, in charge of the day-to-day administration of the place and keeping things running smooth and mouse-free.

In this, they are helped by Jack Sparrow the cockerel and his wife, Elizabeth Swan. If you want to arrange an alarm call, speak to Jack Sparrow. (He'll give you one anyway.)

They are all quite fond of the human race, despite what they see on the TV news.

In addition to running the cottages, Julie—a passionate gardener—is engaged in a long-term project to replant and restore the extensive gardens at Felin Crewi into a haven for the already prolific wildlife in the area.

Julie on her Father's shoulders, climbing Cadair Idris in 1963.

History of Felin Crewi

Felin Crewi started life in the 15th century as a water-powered mill for fulling cloth.

What is 'fulling' you ask? Are you sure you want to know? Well, in the olden days when folk made woollen cloth, it was quite harsh, and before it could be considered wearable, it needed first to be treated with a sort of fabric conditioner. There was only one available at the time. Stale urine, which men and women employed as 'fullers' stamped into the woollen fibres. Hmm. Even in the 15th century, being a fuller was not a popular job, so they replaced the urine with a mineral compound 'fuller's earth' and mechanised the process, using a water wheel to operate a wooden beating contraption. If you know anyone called Fuller, you will know what their family business used to be. But don't tell them.

Read more about the History of Felin Crewi here